Welcome !
My name is Robyn, some know me as Rob! I am a proud Metis woman & Entrepreneur, I love to see my business grow and others! My business was birthed amidst my healing journey, it is always evolving and changing.. My passion is art, rattles, hypnotherapy, meditation & relaxation! When we are relaxed, we can truly access our true essence and step into the flow of healing.
I am the owner of Rob Pross Wholeness and am based out of Enderby, BC but I work all over the Okanagan, Shuswap & Canada. I specialize in making rattles! This entails a lot of artistic work around rawhide, painting and creative expression! I am so incredibly passionate about rattles. I teach rattle workshops, rattle healings, hypnotherapy and many other workshops. I am a public speaker who loves to travel around and share my story of my healing journey and.. rattles! I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, Certified Life Coach through Rhodes Wellness College, studied Fine Arts at Grant MacEwan University and a Certified Yoga Teacher.
Rattles, Art & Meditation speak to me on a soul level which is why I am passionate about supporting people on their journey through life and using all of these amazing tools to simply be who you are! I like to keep busy, always expanding, offering new services and collaborating with other artist & wellness entrepreneurs. Art has always spoken to me, I have been practicing all of my life. My art is my home, where I go to access myself, my gifts and my connection to source.
Like I am not busy enough, I am a mom of two ravenous boys who teach me more than any of my programs have taught me!! That's me in a couple of paragraphs.. but I am an open book and love to chat about where I have come from and what got me here. Healing is a lifelong journey to grow and connect with our true essence to ultimately enjoy life!
Reach out to me, lets connect and co-create your portal to wholeness... <3
With Gratitude, Rob Pross